DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2022
DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2022
From 16.11.2021 to 15.01.2022
In the framework of the Department of Excellence Project “Mobility and the Humanities”, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Department DiSSGeA (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”) has launched the Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2021 Call for Applications. The initiative provides the assignment of positions as Visiting Professor to professors and researchers from international universities or research centres.
The present call is addressed to professors and researchers with proven teaching experience, who are permanent faculty members in European and non-European universities and research centres. Applicants must spend a period of approximately three (3) months at the Department, in order to lecture official courses at the Master level (second cycle degree) with a topic on “Mobility and the Humanities.”
The duration of the courses will be 42 hours and their programmes shall focus on
- Transport History
- History of Tourism
- Digital Philology.
The selected Visiting Professors shall also contribute to the implementation of the “Mobilab” digital laboratory for the study of mobility and to the activities of the Centre for Advanced Studies on “Mobility and the Humanities” and their respective research groups.
Deadline for submission: January 15th 2022, 1.00pm CEST (Central European Time) by using the (online) Application form.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to international.dissgea@unipd.it with the subject Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities.” Incomplete or incorrect applications will be excluded from the selection procedure.
“And yet it moves!”: video on moving objects of the Museum of Geography
“And yet it moves!”: video on moving objects of the Museum of Geography
On the occasion of the 33rd Italian Geographical Congress Geografie in movimento I Moving Geographies (Padua, 8-13 September 2021), Giovanni Donadelli and Chiara Gallanti from the Museum of Geography of the University of Padua presented a video contribution to the session “Objects, wares, goods: the material trace of movement in space”.
The video Eppur si muove! Esplorazioni sulla mobilità quale chiave di accesso al patrimonio geografico I And yet it moves! Explorations on mobility as access key to geographical heritage, reflects on the possible interaction between the mobility paradigm and the cultural heritage of the Museum of Geography. The probe item chosen to detect possible research paths is a terrain model of the Euganean Hills, the first relief model to enter the collection in 1907.
The encouraging survey revealed potentiality in a wide range of directions, from the circulation of the information concerning the existence of the object, to the spatial itineraries traced by its material components, from the physical transfers it experienced during its academic life, to its semantic mobility, from the mobile practices it facilitated both in research and teaching, to the complex trajectories of its digital alter ego on the internet.
Creative engagement with an ordinary (im)mobile alpine landscape
Creative engagement with an ordinary (im)mobile alpine landscape
DiSSGeA Third Mission Activity
Moving Dolomites. Creative engagement with an ordinary (im)mobile landscape at Vallesina
The focus on mobility has inspired a recent Third Mission activity of the DiSSGeA Department, within the frame of the Interreg V-A Italia-Österreich Europen Regional Development Fund project. The activity aimed to reflect and act on the heritage value of an ordinary landscape in the Dolomite area (Eastern Alps), at the border of one of the nine systems that constitute the ‘authorised’ outstanding landscape of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site. Beyond the ‘immobility’ of natural landscape conservation, alternative, ordinary and lived landscapes can also have heritage value, as argued in this case study of the village of Vallesina. Thus the village became an ideal case study to suggest some reflections on mobility as a key category for identifying and enhancing the heritage value of alpine landscapes. The outputs of the research process (co-coordinated by MoHu members Benedetta Castiglioni and Mauro Varotto with the collaboration of Sara Luchetta from Ca’ Foscari University) include a creative engagement with such landscape and the installation of 15 panels illustrated by artist Marina Girardi, which are displayed along a circular route and complemented by an audio-guide downloadable via a QR code.
Vallesina had a relevant role in the socio-economic life of the area up until World War II, but nowadays it is a place where depopulation and abandonment are the prevalent driving forces. In a constantly rushing and changing world, Vallesina is apparently immobile, stuck with population decline and activities delocalisation. Yet, as a set of past and current materialities, practices and meanings, a constellation of mobilities (Cresswell, 2010) started to inform the researchers’ gaze on the landscape of Vallesina, which began to disclose its heritage potential. Ancient streets and artefacts, human and nonhuman movements framing everyday past and present life, and collective and individual memories have intertwined in time, shaping a multifunctional unexpectedly mobile landscape.