seminar series and events Show All Book launch CircuITING series Conferences Didactic seminars Guest lectures Ideas Material Culture and Risorgimento MobiLab Objects People Seminars Texts Theories and Methods Workshop Probing ghostly infrastructures. Tracciando la deriva spazio-temporale del lungofiume orientale di Lisbona, dal 1856 a oggiSeminars Sources, data and methods for the history of sociologyCircuITING series,Seminars Tourist mobilities and place challenges: a conversation between Antonio Paolo Russo & Thiago AllisSeminars CITTÀ A PAGAMENTO, CITTÀ MORTE. Miti, incongruenze e problemi fondamentali del “contribuito d’accesso”Seminars Connecting urbanization, experience of nature and protected areasDidactic seminars,Seminars Air travel and the transformation of the modern business world, 1920s-1990sSeminars Figures of movementSeminars Moving in and around food communities. Part 2MobiLab,Seminars Moving in and around food coomunities. Part 1MobiLab,Seminars New ways of performing religious tourism between evolving needs, mobilities and sacred landscapesSeminars Transport Media: History, Production, ImageriesMobiLab,Seminars RAI Teche Archiving and researching audiovisual digital sourcesMobiLab,Seminars Salt market of the russian north in the 17th century: open databaseSeminars Plant Humanities & Botanical Collections | Conference with RHUL Centre for the GeoHumanitiesConferences L’Ottocento degli oggetti tra politica e memoriaWorkshop,Objects,Material Culture and Risorgimento Tutte le perle del mondo. Storie di viaggi, di scambi e di magnifici ornamentiBook launch,Objects Intelligence and historiography. The uses of intelligence sources to historiansConferences Oltre le reti. Comunicazione, informazione, mobilità in età modernaConferences APH PhD Conference | The Mobility of Politics, The Politics of MobilityConferences Moving theories, moving methodsConferences Taiwan and transatlantic industrial reshoring: examining geo-economic dynamicsGuest lectures The american right and the origins of TrumpismGuest lectures Exploring urban critical geographiesSeminars Le metamorfosi del lavoro coatto: una storia globale, XVIII – XIX secoloBook launch,Seminars Global China: A view from the borderlands of South and Southeast AsiaGuest lectures,Seminars Moving Europe: the imagined geographies of migrant hospitalitySeminars Una storia globale e profonda delle mobilità umane. Prime riflessioniSeminars Diaspore mediterranee e Rinascimento italiano. Una ricerca in corsoSeminars Mobile Stories, Storing mobilities: mapping memories in/of/after migrationConferences To the edge and beyond. Long-term trends in frontier mobility and the historical experience of the European sub-arcticGuest lectures Bringing oysters back to New York harborGuest lectures Disciplinare il matrimonio, tracciare la mobilità, riconoscere le relazioni. Esami prematrimoniali nel mondo cattolico (XVI – XVIII secolo)Conferences La razza prima dell’Italia. Nazione, cittadinanza e colore nell’Italia preunitariaSeminars Salvaging presence: tourism as a regional development strategy for rural communitiesDidactic seminars,Seminars West meets East: mobility of people, exchange of knowledge. Female migration in Europe from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuryWorkshop,Seminars Dealing with novelty: women’s hairdressers in Ancien Régime FranceObjects,Ideas,Seminars Transatlantic Temperance and the Boom of Sensation Fiction in 1860sSeminars,Ideas “A Padova sono venuto, come chi lascia uno stagno per tuffarsi nel mare”. Presentazione del Database Bo2022: i laureati a Padova dal Medioevo all’Età ContemporaneaMobiLab,Seminars Nuove frontiere della Public e Digital History. The web as an historical sourceMobiLab,Seminars Our ancestors have come to visit: Mobility and the Blackfoot Shirts ProjectSeminars,Objects Climate, migration, and “green” and not so green infrastructure: myths and realitiesSeminars,Theories and Methods Il veleno di Filostrato: la fortuna della Vita di Apollonio di Tiana in Europa tra Cinque e SeicentoSeminars,Ideas Academics and social media in the HumanitiesGuest lectures,Seminars In search of the Holy. Early medieval travelers and RomeSeminars,People Rivoluzioni. Tra storia e storiografiaSeminars,Ideas Mobilità del lavoro e trasferimento di modelli imprenditoriali dall’Italia al BrasileSeminars,People Tra Storia e DirittoSeminars,Ideas The Making of Neoliberal London: Literature, Mobilities and the CityDidactic seminars,Seminars La mobilità digitale del patrimonio museale: riflessioni e buone pratiche per traiettorie efficaciSeminars,Theories and Methods Doni di oggetti personali come strategia comunicativa dell’élite religiosa nel pieno MedioevoSeminars,Objects Telling stories: a step-by-step guide to creating your first podcast in the HumanitiesSeminars Trasmissione folklorica e critica sociale. Riflessioni su Jane AddamsSeminars,Ideas Co-organised in Seoul | 2022 Global Mobility Humanities ConferenceConferences T2M 20th annual conferenceConferences MoHu book launch | Comics as a research practiceBook launch,Seminars Valutare gli oggetti di lusso nel MedioevoSeminars,Objects MoHu – CeMoRe Mobilities WorkshopWorkshop,Seminars MoHu Book Launch| Presentazione del volume “Popolazioni e società delle VenezieBook launch,Seminars Labour Mobilities and nomadic lifestyles through past and present spacetimesSeminars,People Politics and poetics of Mobility. Gender, motion and stasis in E.M. Forster’s “Where angels fear to tread”Theories and Methods,Ideas,Seminars Migrants and refugees: audiovisual production and comsumptionSeminars,People Glosse in movimento: le reti culturali dell’Europa post-carolingia e la reinvenzione della satiraSeminars,Texts Nuove frontiere della Public and Digital HistoryMobiLab,Seminars L’oggetto, i luoghi e le idee. Il lungo viaggio dell’ “Adorante” di BerlinoObjects,Ideas,Seminars Books in motion. Circulation and Construction of Knowledge between Italy and Europe in the Early Modern PeriodSeminars,Texts Walking with urban natures. Rethinking mobile ethnography in the anthropoceneDidactic seminars,Seminars The girl who lives on a bike. The collective construction of a video on women and public spaceDidactic seminars,Seminars Giustiniano e la semplificazione del diritto romano medievaleSeminars,Texts CULTURE DELLA MOBILITÀ. Riflessioni transdisciplinari sul movimentoSeminars,Theories and Methods,Book launch Humanities and Social Sciences in MobilityGuest lectures,Seminars The ‘Processetti’ Project and Its Digital Tool: Marriage, Bigamy and Mobilities in Early Modern Venice.MobiLab,Seminars XXXIII CONGRESSO GEOGRAFICO ITALIANO “Geografie in movimento / Moving geographies”Conferences Mobilità delle idee e translatio sapientiae tra Oriente e Occidente: la circolazione transculturale de I detti dei filosofi tra Medioevo e prima età modernaSeminars,Ideas Migration and Tourism: un/controlled intersectionsSeminars,People The Paradox of Soviet Tourism: Pleasure Travel in the Passport StateSeminars,People Stare. Persistenza e insistenza umana nel luogo: l’evoluzione geomorfologica di Padova dalla preistoria ad oggiMobiLab,Seminars Fascist mobilities across space and timeSeminars,Ideas Annual Conference 2021 and networking event Padua – Royal Holloway – KonkukConferences Contextualising fascist fluidities and frictions: on the mobilities of radical ideas in the interwar periodGuest lectures,Seminars Migration and citizenship regimes in comparative perspective: the four worlds of contemporary migration governanceGuest lectures,Seminars Migrants developing a society, scholars developing a transcultural societal studies approach: the case of Canada — or: the several CanadasGuest lectures,Seminars Methods of travel 1570 – 1800Seminars,Theories and Methods Da NodeGoat ad ArcGis: l’interoperabilità dei dati digitali storici nello studio degli alloggi studenteschi a Padova tra medioevo e prima età modernaMobiLab,Seminars The pandemic society. Post-covid-19 reflections on extended bodies and elastic situationsDidactic seminars,Seminars,Guest lectures Sites and intersections of labor im/mobilityConferences Social mobility goes on holidayConferences Ciclo di seminari | Ius Commune at Borders: Borders of Ius CommuneDidactic seminars,Seminars Transport | Communication | Mobility: histories and culturesSeminars,Theories and Methods Colonial and postcolonial citizenshipSeminars,People Local literature studies and historical Gis projects at SysuMobiLab,Seminars Piazza, streets and lodging houses as communication spaces in early modern ItalyDidactic seminars,Seminars Data management at the University of PaduaDidactic seminars,Seminars Mobilità. La parola e la cosaSeminars,Ideas Discourse, digital. On the relation between topic models and discoursesSeminars,Theories and Methods Humanising the mobilities turn with literary reading: public transport as public spaceDidactic seminars,Seminars Doing Digital Humanities @ DiSSGeA – Valorizzazione e comunicazione digitale del patrimonioMobiLab,Seminars Doing Digital Humanities @ DiSSGeA – Distant Reading AustriaMobiLab,Seminars Moving people in the pastSeminars,People Reimmaginare i Mobility Studies in prospettiva culturaleConferences Examining the exclusionary nature of tourism mobilities: the smartdest projectDidactic seminars,Seminars Marquise puddle and its’ fleet: the gulf of Finland and the coastal experience of the 18th Century St. PetersburgSeminars,Objects Unruly Landscapes: mobility, transience and transformationConferences Leaving and living. Macro and micro perpsectives on human migrationSeminars,People Between mobile privatization and privatized mobility. Looking at mobile media in historical perspectiveSeminars,Theories and Methods Immobility: towards a positive interpretation of a negatively defined conceptSeminars,Theories and Methods L’abito, il corpo e il mondo. Connessioni globali, cultura materiale e circolazione dei saperi in età modernaSeminars,Objects Learning/Un-learning Mobilities and MigrationsSeminars,People Archives and the Mobility of Knowledge: Towards a Global History of ArchivingSeminars,Theories and Methods Moving in and off the beaten track in tourism studiesSeminars,People Mobility and the Humanities Project. Annual Conference 2019: Framing Mobilities through the HumanitiesConferences Writing the self in mediterranean historyPeople,Ideas,Seminars The Past Futures of Cities and Mobility: London, Paris, and the Nineteenth CenturySeminars,People Books in Motion and Digital ArchivesSeminars,Texts Digital humanities e ricerca storica sul traffico marittimo: da Navigocorpus a PorticTheories and Methods,Objects,Seminars Stuck in time: materials in the histories of mobility and scienceSeminars,Theories and Methods The transnational co-production of fascism: on the dynamics of diffusion and localisationSeminars,Ideas Human mobility and mobility justiceSeminars,People Mobility and the Arts: exploring creative methodologiesSeminars,Theories and Methods Bernabò Visconti, da signore naturale a tirannoSeminars,Ideas Mobility of IdeasConferences Mobilities of/in the books. From antiquity to present timesSeminars,Theories and Methods Mobility of the textsSeminars,Texts Moving literary geographies. Narrative forms and practices of mobilitiesConferences Modernità transatlantiche. Teatri e mobilità culturale tra Italia e America latina a fine OttocentoPeople,Objects,Seminars The mobile museum: biocultural collections in circulationSeminars,Objects Machiavelli e la dittaturaSeminars,Ideas Expelles, returnees, and labor migration in the reconstruction of DortmundSeminars,People Traduzioni in movimento tra Oriente e Occidente. Viaggi sulla via della seta ed esplorazioni nello spazio digitaleSeminars,Texts Ideas on the move: tracing the mobilities turn in the arts and humanitiesSeminars,Theories and Methods Ce que les migrants font à la ville. Mobilisations et transformations des sociétés européennesSeminars,People Colonial anthropology and the mobilisation of the indigenous deadSeminars,Objects Episcopal mobility around the 6th ecumenical council of 680-681Seminars,People Dalla storia dei trasporti al mobility turn: appunti sulla storiografia italiana ed alcune riflessioni su metodo ed epistemeSeminars,Theories and Methods