Our Network
- Centre for the GeoHumanities, Royal Holloway University of London
- Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University
- University of Oxford, Faculty of History – the Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities Networks
- KU Academy of Mobility Humanities, Konkuk University
- CRPM (Centre de recherches pluridisciplinaires et multilingues), Université Paris Nanterre
- Centre for Transport and Mobility (CeTraM), Aberystwyth University
- Mobilities in Literature and Culture Research Centre, University of Surrey
- Forum des Vies Mobiles / Mobile Lives Forum
- Atlas – Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research
- CSC Cultures of Vigilance. Transformations | Spaces | Practices, LMU - Munich
- FRINGE URBAN NARRATIVES research network, based at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona