2024 Visiting Scholars GRANTS - CALL FOR APPLICATION (by April, 15)
2024 Visiting Scholars GRANTS - CALL FOR APPLICATION (by April, 15)
In the framework of the “Mobilities: A transdisciplinary framework for research, international teaching and public engagement in the Humanities” Department Development Project (PSD 2023-2027), the DiSSGeA (Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World) has launched a 2024 Visiting Scholars GRANTS Call for Applications.
The present call is addressed to professors, researchers, and early career scholars (postdoctoral researchers, lectures, etc.) affiliated to European and non-European universities and research centres. Applicants must spend a period of approximately one (1) month at the Department and its “Mobility & Humanities” Centre for Advanced Studies from September 1st, 2024 through July 31st, 2025.
For the stay the Department will provide a total net amount of € 2.500.
The deadline for submission is April 15th, 2024 at 1:00 pm (CET).

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Visiting Scholars Grants 2024, as part of the “Mobilities: A transdisciplinary framework for research, international teaching and public engagement in the Humanities” project (PSD 2023-2027).
After a thorough evaluation of the numerous applications received, the Selection Committee has identified the following scholars as recipients of the grants:
– Jensen Ole B. (Aalborg University)
– Patricia Hertel (FU Berlin / Centre Marc Bloch / University of Basel)
– Jean Sebastian “Baz” Lecocq (Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute for Asian and African Studies)
– Erik Aschenbrand (Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development)
We wish to express our sincere appreciation to all candidates for the quality and excellence of the proposals submitted. The selection was highly competitive, given the high standard of applications.
We thank everyone for their interest in our project and look forward to future opportunities for collaboration.
MoHu OPEN CALL 2023 2-years POSTDOC
Deadline: 3 November 2023
In the framework of the “Work, workplaces and mobility in preindustrial Southern Italy: a gender perspective” project hosted by our MoHu Centre, the Dissgea Department launched an open call for a 2-yrs postdoc position in ECONOMIC HISTORY.
See all the information (in Italian) about this new opportunity to work with us:

Supporting TAlent in ReSearch (STARS) Grants 2023
Supporting TAlent in ReSearch (STARS) Grants 2023
The University of Padua (Italy) has launched the fourth edition of the Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padua – STARS@UNIPD 2023 call for proposals (read the attached call to check eligibility criteria). If you are interested in proposing a research project in line with the topics carried out at MoHu we kindly invite you to send a short CV and abstract proposal to mobilityandhumanities@unipd.it by 15 January 2023
Otherwise, feel free to forward this post to potential candidates.
The MoHu Centre

STARS@UNIPD 2023. Call deadline 28 February 2023
We are pleased to inform you that the University of Padua (Italy) has launched the fourth edition of the Supporting TAlent in ReSearch@University of Padua – STARS@UNIPD 2023 call for proposals. Such intramural funding Programme supports excellent 30-month research projects to be performed in Padua by outstanding Principal Investigators (PIs) of any age and nationality, choosing the University and one of its 32 Departments as their working base.
The STARS@UNIPD call promotes and encourages high quality, innovative and ambitious research, with the final goal to strengthen the University ability to attract external competitive fundings, including the European Research Council grants.
In particular, STARS Starting Grants (STARS-StG) are designed to fund promising PIs who have defended their first doctoral degree within a maximum of 5 years (prior to 1st January 2023) and are about to establish their own research team and/or starting their own independent research. A Mobility allowance has been introduced to support researchers coming to Italy from abroad.
For further information regarding the call, its annexes, and the on line procedure for the submission go to the website: https://www.unipd.it/en/stars2023
Application deadline is on 28 February 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (Italy time zone).
Please find enclosed a STARS@UNIPD 2023 short summary and the flyer. We would really appreciate if you could circulate the call among young researchers and potential candidates.
Any further clarification requests can be addressed to the University of Padua International Research Office: talent.stars@unipd.it.
Call for scholarships for outgoing mobility | Mobility Studies students 2021/22
Call for scholarships for outgoing mobility | Mobility Studies students 2021/22
The call is open to master’s degree students of the University of Padua, of the courses in: Classical Humanities and Ancient History, Local Development, Sciences of Religions, Sciences for the Landscape and Historical Sciences (curriculum Historical Sciences and curriculum Mobility Studies) and Techniques, patrimoine, territoires de l’industrie (excluded Erasmus Mundus grantees), of Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World (DiSSGeA).
The scholarships will be of four types:
- for carrying out activities related to the master’s degree thesis;
- for attending Summer and Winter Schools;
- for internships and traineeships;
- integration of Erasmus scholarships, only for Erasmus+ for Study 2022/23 call grantees;
It will be possible to submit only one scholarship request. Type B and C scholarships cannot be combined with other scholarships intended for similar initiatives provided by the University of Padua.
Applications for participation (Annex A or Annex B) must be submitted before 15 April 2022 through the Moodle platform of the School of Human, Social and Cultural Heritage Sciences, at the following address:

Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies 2022/23
Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies
In the framework of the initiatives aiming at promoting its educational activity, the Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua, ANNOUNCES a selection procedure to assign 5 (five) two-years scholarships (amount: 9.000 Euros per bursary) for especially gifted students who enroll in a.y. 2022/2023 at the Master’s Degree in Historical Sciences – Curriculum Mobility Studies and who meet the following requirements.

Deadline: 2nd May 2022Deadline extended: 31st May 2022
DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2022
DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2022
From 16.11.2021 to 15.01.2022
In the framework of the Department of Excellence Project “Mobility and the Humanities”, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Department DiSSGeA (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”) has launched the Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2021 Call for Applications. The initiative provides the assignment of positions as Visiting Professor to professors and researchers from international universities or research centres.
The present call is addressed to professors and researchers with proven teaching experience, who are permanent faculty members in European and non-European universities and research centres. Applicants must spend a period of approximately three (3) months at the Department, in order to lecture official courses at the Master level (second cycle degree) with a topic on “Mobility and the Humanities.”
The duration of the courses will be 42 hours and their programmes shall focus on
- Transport History
- History of Tourism
- Digital Philology.
The selected Visiting Professors shall also contribute to the implementation of the “Mobilab” digital laboratory for the study of mobility and to the activities of the Centre for Advanced Studies on “Mobility and the Humanities” and their respective research groups.
Deadline for submission: January 15th 2022, 1.00pm CEST (Central European Time) by using the (online) Application form.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to international.dissgea@unipd.it with the subject Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities.” Incomplete or incorrect applications will be excluded from the selection procedure.

Research Grant (type B)
Selection announcement for the awarding of 1 research Grant (type B)(24 months)
DEADLINE 14th MAY 2021 (no later than 13:00)
Selection announcement for the awarding of n.1 research grant, which shall last for 24 months, in support of innovative and excellent research projects proposed by young independent scholars within the areas of interest of the DiSSGeA
The proposed activity must be in line with the study areas of the project “Nuovi paradigmi per lo studio della mobilità nelle scienze umane“
The application may only be submitted by completing the online procedure available at:

DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2021
DiSSGeA Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities”2021 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS
From 10.11.2020 to 15.01.2021
In the framework of the Department of Excellence Project “Mobility and the Humanities”, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, the Department DiSSGeA (hereinafter referred to as “the Department”) has launched the Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities” 2021 Call for Applications. The initiative provides the assignment of positions as Visiting Professor to professors and researchers from international universities or research centres.
The present call is addressed to professors and researchers with proven teaching experience, who are permanent faculty members in European and non-European universities and research centres. Applicants must spend a period of approximately three (3) months at the Department, in order to lecture official courses at the Master level (second cycle degree) with a topic on “Mobility and the Humanities.”
The duration of the courses will be 42 hours and their programmes shall focus on
- Transport History
- History of Tourism
- Migrations in World History
- Digital Philology.
The selected Visiting Professors shall also contribute to the implementation of the “Mobilab” digital laboratory for the study of mobility and to the activities of the Centre for Advanced Studies on “Mobility and the Humanities” and their respective research groups.
Deadline for submission: January 15th 2021, 1.00pm CEST (Central European Summer Time) by using the (online) Application form.
Applications must be submitted by e-mail to international.dissgea@unipd.it with the subject Visiting Professor “Mobility and the Humanities.” Incomplete or incorrect applications will be excluded from the selection procedure.

Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies 2020/21
Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies
In the framework of the initiatives aiming at promoting its educational activity, the Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua, ANNOUNCES a selection procedure to assign 5 (five) two-years scholarships (amount: 9.000 euros per bursary) for especially gifted students who enroll at the Master’s Degree in Historical Sciences – Curriculum Mobility Studies.

Deadline: 31 August 2020
Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies 2021/22
Apply for Scholarships for Mobility Studies
In the framework of the initiatives aiming at promoting its educational activity, the Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences and the Ancient World of the University of Padua, ANNOUNCES a selection procedure to assign 5 (five) two-years scholarships (amount: 9.000 euros per bursary) for especially gifted students who enroll in a.y. 2021-22 at the Master’s Degree in Historical Sciences – Curriculum Mobility Studies.